
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Air-100h sub-root formers

In setting up the wing panel receiver tubes, I set the cores on the working surface with the top surface down shimmed up .125" on each half at the root. This to allow a slight amont of dihedral eliminating the possibility of anhedral in the wing while in flight. Once everything is lined up equally, the tubes were then tacked in with 5 min epoxy.

Sub-root former placement is now traced onto the cores to allow .250" engagement of the tube end.

Foam is removed, the former temporarily put in place and traced to the airfoil shape top and bottom for final sanding. Excess air space will be filled with foam and final sanded to shape with the former. Former's get lightly epoxied in place.

This view shows the receiver tube dihedral offset.

Friday, December 21, 2012

OXID Planeur au VTPR

Video courtesy Pierrick Ubassy

Recent video of the OXID performing aerobatics in Totale and VTPR. This is a 2.7m glider looking really good in black & white video tone.

Build details and more videos of OXID here.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A100h wing joiner parts

Sub-root formers are roughed out. They will be traced to the core airfoil than shaped to fit. They consist of .125" spruce ply and .250" balsa laminent. End of receiver tube has .350" deep interference fit. Next step - tack the receiver tubes into the foam cores with proper dihedral. I'm figuring a 1/2 degree.

Friday, December 7, 2012

AIR-100h wing rod slot


Boy where does the time go. Sorry for the delay on this build. The wing joiner rod slot is done. Next is to make up a pair of sub-root formers, slot the foam and glue in the assembly.