
VTPR - ISC Contest - part 1

This Instant Scoring Contest format distinguishes 'fun' from 'serious'. Bottom line is, if you want to have fun in this format, go for it. Yes you can 'enjoy' the fun and thrill of VTPR Aerobatics, but this format is for those who want to take VTPR to the next level by contest flying the style.

Format in 7 parts:

1. Introduction
2. Basic Guidelines
3. Figures, Points, Criteria, Freestyle
4. Online Video Contest
5. Judging, Scoring
6. V-Cup Challenge round
7. The Models

Pierre’ Rondel of Planet-Soaring quoted in 2005. But more what we call in France VTPR 'très près du reflief'. Translation: aerobatics very close to the ground; this is a very spectacular type of aerobatics that requires very good skills and no fear.

What we have come up with here drawing inspiration from the ISX Scoring method looks to be an exciting alternative. The contest consists of 'regular rounds' and a 'freestyle round'. The regular rounds focus on the Entry, the Pass and Exit of the actual VTPR figure' making it objectively possible to judge and critic a low and difficult maneuver where the VTPR action actually occurs. The specific maneuver is what is actually being judged and scored 100% in this format for simplification. The freestyle round allows each entrant to create his or her own personal 3 minute solo flight, and is scored independently. This round will account for 25% of the total points per entrant. With that said I invite you to consuder this approach to a VTPR contest. It’s simple, it’s direct and it promotes a higher level of proficiency.

Are you familiar with Instant Scoring? As mentioned in a prior V-Cup thread, skateboarding is similarly exciting and expressive as VTPR aerobatics and it has grown by leaps and bounds with a scoring method that is now considered the best and most fair approach in the boarding world and other emerging sports. I am posting a pair of ISX videos to give you a glimpse into how this system works as the event progresses. You will note how the fans and the boarders are kept up to date within seconds of each trick (we call them figures) giving them instant positioning on the scoreboard. This does a few things for our unique group.

1)    It focuses the pilot to getting into the “low zone” where the VTPR core lives and breathes. Equally important it enables the pilot to perform his absolute best pursuing that ever present perfect figure for the best score. It is also much easier to manage as a pilot and score as a judge.
2)    It allows the contestant to see where he is at to help determine what he needs to do to catch up or over take the entrant(s) in front of him.
3)    It gives the overall results in ‘real time’ per each trick (figure) in a dynamic and progressive way that adds to the total experience for everybody.
4)    Scoring is done one Figure Pass at a time from a list of predetermined figures submitted by the entrant with weighted maximum point values. The higher the point value the more difficult the figure. Selection strategy can be a player here.
5)    Judges can be rotated so they are able to compete.
6)    It reinforces enjoyment and precision factors one pass at a time reducing anxiety during the waiting period between figures. This is because you are able to see the other entrants figures one pass at a time, and you’re able to concentrate and fly your figures one pass at a time. This aspect allows some breathing room virtually eliminating last second decisions and pre-planning efforts that an all encompassing 3 minute performance requires to dazzle. Let’s face it, some of us are talented choreographers and some of us aren’t. That’s not a criticism, it’s just a practical observation.
7)    This format promotes spectator (and other pilots and spotters) involvement to cheering your slope brother on.

Instant Scoring Video samples,

To help familiarize you with the format watch these videos and try to envision a VTPR meet formatted similarly.

This video could be compared to a tie resulting in a fly-off round for the top spot.

Briefly about scoring methods,

Currently for our specific purposes at the slope site, scoring can be done very quickly with a couple smart phone/iPad Apps. Each of 3 judges would have his or her own phone App ready to go to begin scoring each pass together. One of these Apps is called Simple Score Pad which allows sufficient quantity of entrants to be scored. It is able to count each pass per pilot and keep a running total for each pilot to review before they are next up. All the judge’s results can be openly checked by anybody anytime to make sure no cheating is occurring. Total meet and individual stats can be saved and emailed if needed. Or the results can be recorded easily and quickly enough on a Score Sheet with running totals available for open viewing.

For example I am estimating a typical round with 10 entrants, 8 figure passes each (80 passes) would run about one hour including idle time. A halftime break of 20 minutes or so could be utilized for an 'Expression Session' while entrants water up, tune their planes and radios up ready for the next round. Many rounds could be flown and scored at the group’s discretion.

In summary, this scoring method eliminates a lot of subjectivity and promotes objective results.

Thanks, comments welcome

Eric Johnson

Next up – Part 2, Contest basic Guidelines